Novato, CA 94948

False Alarm Fees

The City of Novato has updated the Alarm Program fee schedule as of 9/1/22. 

"False alarm" means the activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, accident, misoperation, malfunction, misuse, or the negligence of either the alarm user, operator or agent, or any of their employees or agents. False alarms shall not include alarms caused by acts of God, the malfunction of telephone or electrical lines, circuits or other causes which are beyond the control of the alarm user, operator or agent.

False alarms are now accumulated during the course of a calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31).

False Alarm Fines

Permitted False Alarm Fee   Unpermitted False Alarm Fee
1 $0   1 $85
2 $0   2 $85
3 $100   3 $185
4 $150   4 $235
5+ $250ea   5+ $335ea


Any alarm user, operator or agent aggrieved by the decision of the issuing officer to suspend or revoke its permit or to impose an administrative penalty may appeal to the city manager within ten days of receipt of notice of the issuing officer's decision. The city manager or designee shall thereupon set the matter for an administrative hearing within fifteen days before an examiner. The examiner shall be neutral and unbiased, and may be a member of city staff. The examiner shall allow the issuing officer and the appellant each to present and examine all relevant evidence. The formal rules of evidence do not apply, but the examiner shall allow evidence of a nature which responsible persons are accustomed to rely upon in the conduct of serious affairs to be admissible upon the issue. The review and written decision of the hearing examiner shall be final and constitute the exhaustion of administrative remedy. It shall be served upon the permittee and issuing officer, accompanied by a certificate of mailing, no later than fifteen days following the hearing.

*Submit a written request/statement as to why you feel the charge and/or occurrence should be waived or removed from your account, along with any supporting documentation (police reports, alarm company documentation, etc.)

*Submit via email using the Contact Us page.

*Be sure to include Permit License #, alarm location address, and incident date(s) in question.

*Submit within fifteen (15) calendar days of the notice imposing the charge.